Core histone

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Core histoneCore histone
  1. Trichostatin A ( TSA ), one of the inhibitors of HDACs , was used to determine the effects of core histone hyperacetylation on development ability and expression level of relational gene mRNA in different developmental embryos .


  2. The level of histone acetylation is regulated by the histone acetyltransferase ( HATS ) with the acetylation modification of core histone . This further control gene transcription and gene expression regulation which resulted in gene activation or silence .


  3. Core histone around which DNA is wound plays a key role as a terminal protein of inflammatory signal transduction on gene transcription .


  4. Acetylation of lysine residues of core histone N terminal domains has been found correlatively associated with transcriptional activation in eukaryotes .


  5. Formation of nucleosomes requires extensive histone-histone and histone-DNA interactions occurred mainly within the central histone-fold domain of each core histone .


  6. Modulation of core histone acetylation by histone deacetylase ( HDAC ) and histone acetyl - transferase ( HAT ) alters chromatin structure and dynamically affects transcriptional regulation .


  7. H4 is the most conservative core histone in eucaryotic cells , ranging from fungi to man , and its acetylation is restricted only to the four lysines ( residues 5,8,12 , and 16 ) .


  8. Nucleosome dynamics , one of the core areas of histone protein research projects , is largely concerned with the interaction between DNA and histone octamer and properties of the formation of nucleosome complex .
